Friday, 28 August 2009

The Third Goldsmith Lecture

Our country owes a great deal to Sir James Goldsmith as it is because of his actions we still have the pound and are not saddled with the euro. In his memory the New Britain organization started an annual Goldsmith lecture. The subject is always the same ‑‑The State of our Nation ‑ and the venue is always the same ‑ a Lecture Hall of University College London.

In 2007 the first Goldsmith Lecture was given by The Right Honourable Lord Tebbit CH and by Professor Stephen Bush* of Manchester University. In 2008 the second Goldsmith Lecture was given by Mr Stuart Wheeler and Lord Pearson of Rannoch*. The third Goldsmith Lecture will be given by Mr Simon Heffer, associate Editor of The Daily Telegraph, and Mr Robin Birley, stepson of Sir James Goldsmith. The chair will betaken by Sir Teddy Taylor*. Mr Dennis Delderfield, National Chairman of New Britain and Editor of the City of London & Dockland Times will introduce the Lecture and welcome Lady Annabel Goldsmith who has said she will be present

(* Past or present Campaign for an Independent Britain officers)



6.45pm for 7pm.

Gavin de Beer Lecture Theatre University College London Gower Street, WC I

Tickets £5 each

To attend this event please contact New Britain, 10 College East, Gunthorpe Street, London E I 7RL (020 7247 2524)

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